Wednesday, August 10, 2005

the awful truth about women and jerks

Women: what's the best method?
Some say just be honest and say what you feel. Sadly, simply because I am the wonderful sensitive guy I am, this invariably comes across as supremely wussy. I've been reading stuff lately which tells me this and it feels pretty true. There's a whole culture of dudes out there who feel similar to me: all heart and no spine. Emasculated by "niceness" and "consideration". I think Bill Hicks said it best:
"I don't pretend to understand women's little quirks;
" Just one thing I know for sure is Chicks Dig Jerks, aw!"
I have known since I was ten that this is the case, but since then I have been fighting against the awful truth that, if you wanna get laid you'd best not be tellin that girl exactly how beautiful she is and how much you want to please her. Nuh uh! It's taken me 17 years. 17! That's a lot of conditioning to undo, but I think I'm up to it.
First step is to lean back and let myself be attractive, rather than try and project it. This has seriously been fucking me up. I mean shit, I've always known that I'm fine the way I am but that never stopped a guy from still seeking approval and wanting people to like me.
(I guess I should have paid more attention to that Dale Carnegie fellah back when I was 12).
Don Juan said as much to Carlos about letting go of his attachment to other peoples' opinions.

The scary thing for me is: look how long I've been reading about and steeping myselg in this shit before I finally let it sink in. It took David D'Angelo's letters to really kick it home (look him up, he ain't all that special). And now it's all happening at once. The synchronicity is astounding.

OK. OK. Coherency Glenn. Sort it out. Get a grip.

OK, so the basic problem is still the same. I'm still the same guy and I still have the same low strike rate and high cling/wuss factor, no doubt (given, I've not put anything to the test yet.) Which way do I swing? PUA, or do I continue with an even stronger and likely more intimidating version of my truth?

whatever. more beer please


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