Friday, July 15, 2005


This damn korean thing! I want to change all the settings on this blog to make it more easy to read but all the script for instructions and shit is in korean. it was driving me nuts but I have just this second got over it.

Vasana offered me saturdays next month and I'm going to take them. If you work Sats it puts paid to the splits which suits me fine. And once I get paid I'll be able to join "Health Camp", the gym just up the road from here. So my week will be Mon-Fri 6:30am-12:00pm, Sat 3:00-7:00. Sweet. If I take a night class or two I also get mad overtime. Tempting, but I'd prefer not to split my sleeping too much. then again,. I am here to make money and I don't have a life. What's a po' nigga to do? I'll decide after a fortnight of it I guess.

My korean is coming along sorta. Not really enough to be able to read much shit enough to make any sense of it but I can order the food I want, by the items I want and get taxi drivers to take me places.

Funny how when you finally sit down at the blogspot everything you had in your head just flies out the window.
Oh well.


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