Monday, April 03, 2006

feeling better

Yesterday I bunked out (kinda) on one of my classes so I could go see my grumpy christian doctor who speaks barely any english. Fortunately he understood the word "Diarrhoea" and gave me a rather uncomfortable examination. This consisted of my lying on my back while he pressed down in various places on my stomach with his fingers and stethoscope. He asked me to relax but I was trying to hold back a dangerous pressure, so I felt a little awkward. Anyway, he gave me a jab and a scrip for some pills. I went home for a long nap. Got up at 4 to have some udon soup (liquid diet!) and went to work from 8-10. Felt like scabs the whole time. Sweaty night's sleep. Bizarre dreams. Something to do with constructing a giant 'magic number square' that was actually the design for a Babylonian tower. Trippy. Woke up feeling like arse - the discomfort had somehow moved into my head - heavy and sluggish. Fortunately I had only 3 classes this morning which I dragged myself through then shuffled off home for minestrone and another long nap.
Have you ever had one of those dreams where you can see something out the corner of your left eye and you know it's going to kill you? It's not an evil thing -it just happens that killing you is in the nature of the beast. If you turn towards it, it kills you from the front; if you turn your head slightly away so it is behind you, it kills you from there.
So anyway, now I'm at work 'doing interviews'* and prepping for tomorrow.
Um. That's all. Thanks.

*waiting for new students, pretty much=nothing


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