Sunday, July 23, 2006

that sinking feeling

I was tooling along the canal on my little nifty today, just coming back from up the Wat and the thought occurred to me that more than a few drunken fools must find themselves driving into that ring of water that surrounds central Chiang Mai. IMany times while playing GTA3 I have misjudged a bend or jump and splashed down into a river or lake, drowning my violent little criminal. He could swim fine on his own, but he could never seem to escape from his car under the water. This got me to thinking: well, is it a given fact that a person necessarily will die if their car takes an unforeseen plunge into some local body of water and if survival is possible, how so? Obviously opening the doors is out of the question - water pressure will keep that from happening. You're going out the window if you're going anywhere at all. Anyone who wants to be prepared to be the hero of their submerged car disaster, here is a good link to follow. It contains interesting facts that I didn't know.


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