Thursday, July 13, 2006

today i am very sad

I took my ipod down to the internet place today to charge it up, but imagine my shock and dismay upon discovering a rainbow bordered black hole on the screen. It won't turn. Basically my iPod is now fucked, so that's about $1000 down the tubes. And I lost the receipt too.
So here is its eulogy:
My iPod was my best friend. I first bought my iPod only after months of deliberation as to th whether it would be worth it to spend all that cash on something that could so easily become nothing more that a lump of metal and fizzled circuitry, or worse, become a space where it used to be. In the end, I was swayed by my desire to carry all my music and interviews, meditations and so on around with me everywhere i go.
For months, my ipod has bee n my companion through journeys and naps, guiding me through meditations and workouts, and generally keeping me company with my favourite sounds.
But all that ended recently, I suspect during the sudden downpour that saturated me and all my stuff as I rode pillion from the small village in Ko Tao to the AC resort.
As usual, I'm not as upset as I feel I should be; I'm just disappointed that once again, my prediction, predilection for misfortune, and the universe have once again worked together to deprive me of a sanity-saving device. The concept of a 13 hour plane trip to NZ without my iPod is appalling. I don't even want to think about it, but I must do something. O! Despair!


Blogger Erueti Brown said...

Dude $1000? That's gutting. What kind of iPod was it? A nano with video and 100 gig? Actually you'd probably rather not talk about.

8:21 am  

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