Sunday, May 15, 2005

i got freaked out

Never happens! Getting a surprise is a surprise in itself. The story:
On Friday before this big reggae thing at the Bodega I strolled over to V’s and sampled with her and D her delightful grassy supplies. A new strain is always a bit of a mind-fuck and this one was no different. Normally when I get blazed the whole complex burns down but this time I was burning up and felt riding high in the saddle and proclaiming and all ra-de-ra, if you take my gibberal meaning. Confidence is what is was, I guess as opposed to the old turning-inside and debating/doubting the meaning of every piece of data I receive.
So it was a bit of a shock to step out of the cab on Ghuznee and be ambushed by such a diabolical introduction as to render me completely speechless, awestruck and even a little terrified. While D and V made hello-noises to some other cats, this woman, I forget her name, made some very purposeful eye-contact at me and then pounced with such an onslaught of fantastical erotically charged badinage (on the nature of being a whip-cracking fine-collecting librarian or some such ~~quiver~~) that I could feel myself shrinking before what was at once my fantasy and nightmare. The problem was context and the fact that she was with a work colleague who had some shared concept of what she was on about. Too much going for me to competently put a word in for fear that I’d say something that doesn’t belong in that context and so, discretion being the better part of valour, I demurred and bolted with some weak-ass excuse. I considered just fleeing as soon as her attention was engaged elsewhere but that would have been still worse. On the whole though, the experience was enjoyable, even though I feel that I let myself down a bit. Oh well.
It’s all well and good to have guts, but part of using them is knowing what it is you want to use them for. I get so confused!


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