Wednesday, March 23, 2005

back-asswards down south

Living in a southern temperate zone makes it kind of OK to be celebrating easter just as we're heading into autmun, but it still makes my eyes roll, that we celebrate holidays completed divorced from their origin. Easter in the northern hemisphere (NH) is a celebration of the spring equinox as the days switch from being shorter to being longer than the nights (leading to growth and new life, hence all the fertility symbols of eggs and rabbit and such). In Wellington, the autumn equinox is usually the beginning of more rain. Same thing with Hallowe'en (sadly not a work holiday) - a celebration of death and harvesting right as we enter into the longest days of the year (admittedly in Wellington the sun is usually behind shitty rainclouds and bollocks wind, but the days do lengthen).
And of course, Christmas in the NH happens just as the shortest day passes and the "new star rises in the East", whereas here in the south, the opposite is the case.

Commercialisation of holidays is no big deal; I'd just like to see our celebrations and symbols match up with their referents.

Yeah, right. And maybe we'll shift to a lunar calendar too.


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